A line of credit* is an easy and cost-effective way to cover unexpected expenses. Whether you help your clients finance their personal projects or repay their borrowed money at their own pace, you can help ensure peace of mind.
Suggest the line of credit that best suits their needs, and we’ll take care of the rest.
The Personal Flex Line® is a quick and flexible way to access funds at any time. With an open line of credit, your clients can avoid multiple credit applications and easily
finance upcoming projects or contribute to their RRSPs.2
The Investment line of credit is the ideal product for your clients who have few financial obligations and want to leverage their line of credit to build a long-term assets portfolio. Your clients can purchase and pledge eligible non-registered units of mutual or segregated funds to support their line of credit.
This product is also advantageous for clients who want to generate after-tax income greater than the after-tax interest on the line of credit and benefit from income tax deductions
The BusinessFlex Line of Credit is a short-term financing product that provides quick access to funds to optimize your client's business' cash management
Clients who would like to apply for a FlexBusiness line of credit must hold a Business account to be eligible.
Your customer has other needs? Think about personal loans.
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This content is for investment advisors only. For customer content, please visit nbc.ca
*According to the agreement the Bank has with your firm, not all products may be available.
® Personal Flex Line is a trademark of National Bank of Canada.
1. Subject to credit approval from National Bank. Certain conditions apply. Once an amount is withdrawn from the account, interest is charged immediately and must be repaid within 21 days. A statement is issued every 30 days. As long as the line of credit is in effect, the borrower must draw the balance of the line of credit down by at least 10%, at least twice a year, at intervals of six months each. According to the agreement the Bank has with your firm, not all products may be available.
2. Amounts used in the margin must be repaid under the credit agreement and subject to interest.
3. Requests above $250,000 are assessed in a case by case manner. Additional conditions may apply.
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